She embarked on her legal career as a criminal lawyer for three intensive years. During that time she developed her advocacy skills, appearing for multiple clients on an almost daily basis as sole counsel in the Magistrates and Supreme Courts of Tasmania. Since being called to the Bar Jessie has moved to a more commercial and civil law driven practice. She was identified as recommended junior counsel in the 2023 Doyles List of leading commercial litigation and dispute resolution barristers in Tasmania.

Jessie is a council member of the Tasmanian Bar and volunteers at the Hobart Community Legal Centre and the Tasmania Legal Practice course.

Her interests outside of the law include cycling and exercising, being outdoors in the sun and travelling.

Noted Experience

  • Etter v Legal Profession Board of Tasmania [2018] TASFC 2
  • Director of Local Government v Branch Allen and Pearce
  • State of Tasmania v Braedon Males (Estcourt J COPS 22 Nov 2018)

Field of Practice

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Appellate
  • Civil- Common Law/Personal Injury
  • Commercial
  • Criminal
  • Family Law/Child Safety/Guardianship
  • Inquests/Inquiries