Completed a Bachelor of Arts (1979) and Bachelor of Laws with Honours (1983) from the University of Tasmania; Master of Laws (1997) from the University of NSW.

First admitted to practice in Tasmania (1984).

Listed in the Immigration category of the Australian Financial Review “Best Lawyers in Australia” every year since 2012.

Author of the judicial review commentary in the LexisNexis Australian Immigration Law service.

Consulting editor of the Federal Law Reports.

Rosny Chambers
4 Nimala Street
Rosny TAS 7018

Noted Experience

  • Hills Grammar School v HREOC (2000) 100 FCR 306 (jr. to S. Gageler SC)
  • Re Minister for Immigration; Ex parte Applicants S134/2002 (2003) 211 CLR 441 (jr. to J Basten SC and M. Aaronson)
  • Catholic Education Office v Clarke (2004) 138 FCR 121 (jr. to J Basten QC)
  • Shi v Migration Agents Registration Authority (2008) 235 CLR 286 (jr. to T Game SC)
  • Minister for Immigration v Angkawijaya (2016) 236 FCR 303

Field of Practice

  • Anti-Discrimination
  • Appellate
  • Constitutional
  • Human Rights/Migration
  • Public/Administrative Law